hair transplant
Hair Transplant worth It? Reviews?
January 25, 2017
What Makes You an Ideal Candidate for Hair Transplant?
January 26, 2017

Hair Transplant Doctor Answers and tips


Dubai has now become a dominant and chief destination for all kinds of hair transplant surgeries. Owing to some reasonable costs and having international high qualified surgeons, Dubai is attracting millions of hair loss patients all over the world. The important thing is the revenue for this hair transplant medical tourism has increased tremendously in past few years. In the first half of the 2016, there were over 193,500 medical tourists came to Dubai and most of them were hair transplant patients from all over world.

So let’s check out the findings, tips and answers of those questions which were asked from the team of efficient hair surgeons in Dubai.


What are the costs of best hair transplant surgery?


“The cost may vary depending upon multiple important factors: like the technique (FUE and FUT), the location, and overall experience and popularity of hair transplant surgeon, and how big the hair transplant session is just few to mention. Well, basically the FUE surgery is little bit expensive than the strip method or FUT process. As for FUE procedure in Dubai, reliable surgeons approximately charge 27-28 Dirham per follicular unit. But the costs may vary according to the number of grafts and different important factors.”

How long does hair transplant last?

“The best part about hair transplant technique is that it is considered as a permanent solution for your hair loss issue.  After this transplant procedure, we generally recommend a best combination of laser therapy, propecia, and Rogaine in order to solidify your transplanted hair follicles and also provide help in slowing the hair loss from the follicles that were not previously transplanted. My mostly patients quote 95% success rate and long lasting procedure.”

A tip:

It’s difficult to say how you treated for the surgery, in that case you need a reputed FUE hair transplant surgery in Dubai, so that you can experience a proper hair examination and can get some most reliable tricks from professional doctors.


Who is an ideal candidate for hair transplant?


  • You should have enough hairs on donor supply area
  • If your age is 25-30, you are an ideal candidate for this surgery.
  • You must understand the limitations of this procedure
  • You should be healthy and young
  • You have positive expectations about the result.

A tip:

Basically the younger you are, the earlier you are in that hair loss journey and if the more severe your family history is, then definitely the higher risks you may take if you undergo this hair transplantation procedure. So if you are experiencing the problem in younger age, then this is a best age to treat the issue efficiently.

Is it possible to create a new hair line with hair transplant procedure?

“Yes, it is pretty possible to transplant your hair follicles in order to reconstruct the entire hairline so that it is lower. I do so as this can be properly done with advanced FUE technique using the u Graft. So as long as there are some adequate hairs at the donor area you can be able to create a new line effectively.”

If you are experiencing one of the above mentioned problems and looking for long lasting procedure, you may undergo the hair transplant surgery in order to overcome the sensitive issue with the help of professional hair surgeons in Dubai.

If you have any question regarding the procedure, you can comment below to get your answer as quickly as possible.


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